AI-Powered Review Management

Enhance customer experience with AI replies to app reviews, AI summary and automation.

Foster customer satisfaction and loyalty with the power of AI tech.


Elevate you reputation management

Improved Response Time

Save hours on replying to user reviews.

Automated yet Personalized Replies

Understand the sentiment and customize the message.

Feature and Bug Prioritisation

AI Summary will find a needle in a haystack for you.

Better Productivity

Process large volumes of replies.

Multi-language Communication

Processes reviews and replies to the in any language.

High Average App Rating

Address user pain and watch your app rating grow.

AI Replies Automation is here!

Reply to similar reviews by generating and sending AI replies in bulk.

Designed for teams handling large volumes of the App Store and Google Play reviews, our new tool generates bulk replies, saving time on manual replies and boosting agent efficiency. 

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Unique and personalized interactions with your customer

Our AI reply generator analyzes customer feedback and creates personalized responses that are sure to impress. 
You can also rephrase your response to adjust messaging and tone, reply in all major languages, and even train the AI to use your unique writing style and voice. 

Needle in a haystack of reviews — found by AI

AI Summary processes any amount of user reviews on any chosen topic, language and country and shares with you a recap of user feedback.

Share it with your team for roadmap prioritization or dive deeper into each review — your Summary, your rules.

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