May 23-25, 2023, MGM GRAND

Meet the AppFollow team at MAU Vegas

Join us at MAU Vegas on May 23-25, 2023 at the MGM GRAND in Las Vegas, USA, to meet the AppFollow team and discover innovative ideas to help you understand and elevate your app's reputation.

By meeting with us at MAU Las Vegas, you will:
1. Gain access to exclusive reports, demos, and consultations with our team of experts
2. Discover the latest trends in app store optimization
3. Learn best practices for review management
4. Get personalized recommendations for improving your app's performance 

Please contact us in advance for a customized pre-event report to discuss your case in detail.

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Get insights to enhance your app’s performance

Before the meeting, you can request a customized report about your app and learn how to:
  •   Increase Customer Satisfaction
  •   Increase retention and in-app transactions
  •   Increase Organic Growth (Ratings & Rankings)
  •   Improve your product (user insights & feedback)
  •   Save time and money
    *Check out the image on the left to see a sample of the Semantic analysis we did for one of our clients.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your app to the next level - schedule a meeting with us today!