App Reputation Benchmarks 2024

Understanding KPIs and Measuring Success

Welcome to our App Reputation Benchmarks report. This guide is packed with insights and benchmarks that cater to everyone in the app marketplace.

Whether your app is outperforming expectations or facing challenges, there's something here for you. If you want to boost your app's performance, this report will be your roadmap. It's filled with actionable KPIs and benchmarks from AppFollow, designed to help you understand where you stand and how to elevate your app's reputation.

If your app is already performing above the industry average, fantastic! We're keen to connect, learn from your success, and share best practices.

Fill out the form and you'll be among the first to receive your report copy.


It's all in the stars (and reviews).


Tackling negative reviews is a must

Apps that maintain 4.7-star and above have a 78% reply rate to negative reviews


AppStore business apps suffer the most

The Sentiment score of 0.04% tells the tale of long response time and sheer dissatisfaction


Responding fast boosts app ratings

Top rated apps respond to reviews in under 2 hours, as opposed to 4 days industry average


Featured reviews make it or break it

100% response rate for top app performers, compared to 26% on average


Know the KPIs that matter

Without measuring your progress correctly, reaching the fabled 4.5+ star rating will remain a pipe dream. Our report will help you determine the right KPIs for sustained growth.


Fill out the form below to get your copy on the spot:


What is App Reputation management?

App reputation management involves monitoring how your app is perceived by users. It covers user feedback, ratings, and reviews across app stores.

How can I use AppFollow to improve my app reputation?

With AppFollow, you can track your app's reputation, user feedback, and sentiment. Automate responding to reviews, identify bottlenecks, and get AI to speed up the process even more.

What are the most important metrics to track?

Separate star and review scores, sentiment score, featured review score, response rate, and response speed, among others.

How should I use this report?

Keep the report at hand to identify areas for improvement and potential issues in your industry. For instance, the top benchmark score in the Gaming industry is higher than it would be in Shopping. Use the right KPis in your work and respond to user reviews diligently.